工作人员 设施

Thank you for visiting the 工作人员 设施 webpage, 当你在这里的时候,请检查任何与你所在学院有关的东西, and if you see anything that is out of date please let us know at 工作人员council@chertok-film.com.

赌博正规的十大网站为其员工和他们的家人提供了许多很棒的福利, including the following:

Arts and Crafts - 赌博正规的十大网站的艺术和工艺课程支持来自学院各个领域的学生进行探索, 实验, and engage with art and craft processes and histories. 该项目是课外活动,提供传统课堂环境之外的艺术创作体验. In Arts and Crafts, we embrace 实验ation, 失败, 快乐, 友谊, and space to make connections to learning and everyday life. 的 Arts and Crafts programs are open to students, 工作人员, and faculty and you can find out more on the Arts and Crafts website.

体育运动 - 许多科罗拉多大学的体育赞助商为体育中心的员工和学生提供折扣. 看到 CC老虎 website for more information.

Baca Campus, Crestone, Colorado - 私人访问的CC工作人员和教师提供了一个好处,CC员工. 当不被班级或团体使用时,可以以最低的费用预订Baca. To make a reservation, please visit the Baca webpage.

书店 - CC书店向所有教职员工提供10%的折扣,所有购买具有有效金卡的徽标项目.

Campus 餐厅 Services (Bon Appétit) - 祝你有个好胃口 提供午餐和晚餐俱乐部,以及商务午餐券的设施CC员工.

CC小屋 - CC faculty/工作人员 may use the cabin for personal use. It may be reserved for one night at a time, 如果没有其他团体/部门/课程等,可以额外安排晚上. have requested the time. Employees can make a reservation through Summit (choose "Outdoor Education").

Children's Center 科罗拉多大学Cheryl Schlessman Bennett儿童中心为学龄前儿童提供照顾,并提供课后照顾计划. Please visit the Children's Center website for more information or call to schedule a tour!

照顾孩子 & Household Help -就业中心很乐意为科罗拉多大学的学生提供短期或临时工作的机会. If you have a need for childcare, household chores, 等.,请将详细的职位描述、期望、薪酬和赌博正规的十大网站发邮件至 CareerCenter@ColoradoCollege.edu 张贴在Handshake(我们的工作和实习数据库)的“赌博正规的十大网站附近的本地零工”下,方便学生访问.

电脑 & 软件 - 工作人员 and 教师 may have a free copy of Microsoft Office, Mathematica, ChemBioDraw 3D ultra for use on their home computers. 苹果和戴尔电脑均有折扣(Apple and Dell computer discount) 软件 is also available at a discount (software discount). 电子邮件, 日历, 通过智能手机上设置的交换,也可以使用抄送电子邮件帐户同步联系人,帮助台可以帮助员工进行设置. 员工还可以从媒体服务部门借用各种各样的物品(相机), 麦克风, 网络摄像头, 投影仪, ipad, 等.)和解决方案中心(mac笔记本电脑、pc笔记本电脑、适配器等).). 我们还在解决方案中心的图书馆提供免费的电子产品回收——把旧电脑带进来, 微波, 烤面包机, radios… pretty much anything electronic to be recycled.

El Pomar Sports Center - 的 newly renovated El Pomar Sports Center is open to all Colorado College students, faculty, and 工作人员.

Gold Card Office - 的 ITS Solutions Center now issues 黄金卡片.

Colorado College Mail Center – 的 College Mail Center is located at 819 N. Tejon in the Barbara Yalich Student Support Center. 在邮件中心,您可以通过USPS, FedEx和UPS购买邮票和运送包裹. Please contact mailservices@chertok-film.com or ext 6739 for additional information.

Notary Services - 这些CC员工可以提供公证服务(请先打电话):

  • Lori Cowan -财务和管理-斯宾塞中心#224 X6161
  • Suzanne Ridings - Anthropology, Barnes #302, X6358
  • Kimberly Taylor - Student Life, Bemis Hall #105, X6200
  • Gr等hen Wardell - 咨询中心, 1014 N. Weber St, X6426
  • Tara Thomas - Bemis School of Art, Fine Arts Center, 477-4314

Outdoor 项目 - 员工可以租用任何户外设备,如睡袋, 帐篷, 炉灶, telemark skis, 雪鞋, 炊具, 背包, 以及位于韦伯街的Ahlberg Gear House,与学生的价格相同. Ritt Kellogg攀岩馆为希望攀岩或学习新技能的员工免费提供. All equipment and classes are free of charge. 员工可以在我们的门户网站SUMMIT上注册课程,该门户网站与CC户外教育网站链接. 人力资源和户外教育开始提供员工/教师郊游旅行和特别活动,鼓励员工参加. For any questions, please contact Outdoor Education.

SARP - Sexual Assault Response Program 是否有一项机密资源可供教职员工使用, as well (including Chaplains and EAP). 性侵犯应对工作人员可以帮助员工和教师了解他们的报告选择,并将向EAP或私人执业治疗师推荐支持. 请致电(719)227-8101或致电(719)602-0960

把教堂 - Shove Memorial Chapel was dedicated on November 24, 1931, and is "open for services of any and all denominations.“今天,我们继续发扬接待各种信仰人士的传统. As the college schedule permits, the chapel is available for religious gatherings, individual prayer and meditation, special events, 婚礼, and memorial services. Please call the chapel office at x6638 for more information. 的 chapel tower roof offers an exceptional view of the campus. 低层的研讨室每周举办几个支持小组和各种会议,还有深夜咖啡馆Sacred Grounds.

科技沙箱 - 如果没有人将设备用于课堂/研究,教职员工可以将技术沙盒用于个人项目. Also available:

  • CD/DVD copying (11 at once)
  • Adobe Creative Suite 软件
  • Color Printing
  • VR

图书馆的资料 - Tutt图书馆的丰富资源可供员工用于工作目的或个人致富. 图书馆提供各种各样的书籍,既有通俗书籍,也有学术书籍. 教师 and 工作人员 may also borrow materials through Prospector, a unified catalog and interlibrary loan project of many academic, 公共, and special libraries in Colorado and Wyoming. 除了, 图书馆提供成千上万种期刊, including Consumer Reports and 的 Economist. 可以远程访问图书馆数据库和电子期刊馆藏. 图书馆还有一个专门收藏学院档案的部门, local history materials, and rare books; and is a federal government depository library. Whatever your need, 有值班的参考图书管理员协助你查找信息,并帮助你浏览图书馆提供的许多数据库和信息资源. 到图书馆的咨询台或拨打x6662咨询帮助. For more information about the library, visit our 工作人员 LibGuide 或者是 图书馆的资料 website.

Worner Information Desk - Worner desk是所有校园和社区活动的沟通和信息中心. Tickets are available for hockey games and other campus events; or employees may schedule the use of all 公共 meeting rooms on campus, arrange for self-guided tours of the CC campus, visit the lost and found, or borrow items such as magazines and newspapers, poster-making supplies, sidewalk chalk, and many other supplies. Desk hours are Mon-Fri 8:00AM-10:00PM, Sat-Sun 9:00AM-10:00PM. Extended study hours are Sun-Thurs 8:00 AM-2:00 AM. 是否在一年中的特殊时间(半学期、春假、年底等)减少了工作时间.)

Writing Center -写作中心在写作过程的任何阶段提供帮助,包括申请, 信, 简历, 奖助金, 论文, 等. Along with our student tutors, 我们还有一名专业的教师和一名英语作为第二语言的教师. Daytime and evening hours are available. 参观 Writing Center website or call x6742 for an appointment.

Report an issue - Last updated: 02/15/2024